What is Our Plan?
Make Discussion As A Habit of
Youth of Margasakti

Some church youths were
invited and asked to attend the discussion. Actually, the habit to meet and make serious
discussion is not new for them. It is usually held when they want to prepare something like an independence day
celebration on August 17 or when they have village competition. If there is no particular moment, a meeting is rarely held. The youth is
asked as just
technical supporters, and
they are never trained
to think analytically and critically.
How a discussion was introduced? The
discussion took place in the church’s consistory of MT service area on Sunday,
February 19, 2017 at 15:00 until 17:30 pm. Yohanes Dian Alpasa was the speaker of
a topic on ‘what is our
plan?’ Regarding to the background of the participants, at least there
are three levels of
education background covering junior high school, senior high school, even not having
formal education. So, the language used during the discussion was made as easy as possible.
The story from Java
island became the opening story of leaving home of Rafflesia region in 2005 and returning in 2017,
telling the struggle and
effort as well as obsession of a youngster for his hometown. In his brief exposure,
Yohanes focused on discussion about the plan. Each person should have a good
plan, a personal plan or group plan. Each youth should be dare to design
her/his own plan and take the challenges.
The church youth in
Margasakti should learn and add experience. Their mental and intellectual
aspects still needed to be sharpened. Fortunately, when they were asked to
be active, they were
willing to learn and continue to have discussion activity and sharpen mental courage although they still had questions, awkward feeling and
hesitant in their eyes. It doesn’t matter, the awkward feeling is common in their first gathering and
discussion experience. The things needed here is willingness to keep on learning. Yohanes was determined that such discussion
should be ‘down to earth’ and not be monopolized by city's college children.
In terms of preparing the
discussion as ‘mainprogram’ of multiplication, there are many obstacles faced
in the area. The participant target of this afternoon discussion was ten from
fourteen youth who were informed and personally invited to attend this event.
However, there were only five youths who attended it. Nine youths still had to
work on their garden, fields and ponds.
For the upcoming plan, they will share what
they have discussed before, through a performance in Global Prayer’s Day on March 5,
2017 at GKSBS Kurotidur. These youths will perform drama to convey a message to
the congregation. (YDA)
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