The Visit of Board and Executive Director
at Stube HEMAT Multiplication, 8-11 May 2017
Bengkulu, is
one of the provinces in Sumatra which became a destination for the trans-migrant
from Java since 1933, during Dutch occupation. The trans-migrant was brought to
a region which is known today as Kemumu Village, District of Arma Jaya, North
Bengkulu. Bengkulu province consists of 9 Regencies and 1 Municipality,
1. South Bengkulu Regency
3. North Bengkulu Regency
4. Kaur Regency
5. Kepahiang Regency
6. Lebong Regency
7. Mukomuko Regency
8. Rejang Lebong Regency
9. Seluma Regency
10. Bengkulu Municipality

Youth in this
multiplication area is generation of their ancestors, Javanese trans-migrant.
The youth, either man or woman has ability to cultivate farms and plantation.
Parents with high idealism will send their children to continue their study in
Java, so they could become teachers, priests, or office workers. Unfortunately,
the youth here commonly have only Junior or Senior High School educational
background. They grow up in simplicity way with one obsession working in their
lands without ever experiencing forums to open their social, economy, politic,
or cultural knowledge
Based on the conversation and discussion with them, there
are some points to be noted:
1. They’re happy to obtain a mentor
and motivator like Yohanes Dian Alpasa as the
actor of Stube HEMAT multiplication in Northern Bengkulu that gives them place
to gather and chance to discuss many positive things.
2. Before Stube HEMAT
multiplication comes, church youth doesn’t have a place to gather around
because there is no activity done for a long time, however now they are
motivated to meet and talk together, such as in Bible Studies.
3. Most of this youth said that
they want to go to work immediately after graduating from school to help their
parent’s economy that depends on rubber and oil palm with inconsistent price.
It is not surprising
if child marriage is common here. Data from Center of Statistic of Bengkulu
Province in 2015 showed that 20,01% of women married at age of 17-18, 13,80% is pregnant at the age of 16. The consequently effect of that, is the increasing risk of the
death rate of mother and infant. Another shocking fact is the threat of
narcotics has also endangered the life of youth in village.
The existence of Stube HEMAT multiplication in this region
is vital to provide a place for the youth to increase their social, politic,
culture, or economy knowledge, also personal development and critical thinking
that could support youth participation to empower society and develop their
region. (AN).
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