Create Your Own Opportunity
(a workshop on youth and village economy)

Stube-HEMAT Multiplication Program in Bengkulu with Yayasan Bimbingan Mandiri (YABIMA) Indonesia arranged a workshop for youth with a topic ‘Creating Your Own Opportunity’ as thinking ignition for young people in village to revive village economy. YABIMA itself is an institution owned by GKSBS Synod and is based in Metro, Lampung.

The workshop was held on May 26-27, 2018, at GKSBS Kurotidur. The first session was facilitated by Ariani Narwastujati, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd., with a headline "Discover and appreciate our own potency as village youth". In this session participants were asked to rethink some interesting experiences when living in village. Amid their doubt they gave their answers, such as 1) easy to get water, 2) know how to farm, 3) no pollution, 4) the citizens love to share, and 5) the people are friendly. The participants then learned what Nawacita was and understood what village was and why village was the focus that was promoted to be built. Participants were also pushed to explore their own potencies that is then used to develop their village both natural and human resouces.

The second session was facilitated by Dr. Murti Lestari, M.Si., with a headline "The Advantages of working in village". The agricultural sector remained primary sector in village. Any plant can be planted and can be the living source for farmers. From these reasons, let no soil unabandoned because a span of soil is so valuable. The benefits of working in a village are simple expenses as some needs can be replaced with other items. The people who live in a village can find alternative to fulfill their needs that do not have to buy such as vegetables or side dishes as daily needs.

The third session was held by Pdt. Eko Nugroho, S.Si., (theol) with a headline "The Practice of village organizing and mapping". In his session, Pdt. Eko Nugroho said that the Synod of GKSBS wanted to serve people in southern Sumatra. In serving the community empowerment, the Synod is working through an institution, YABIMA Indonesia. The topics promoted around ecology, gender, justice, and education. The cooperation with Stube-HEMAT became more interesting because YABIMA also involved in the field of youth education services. He admitted that it was difficult to serve South Sumatra with only a few people (8 members of YABIMA working team). Therefore, the cooperation with Stube-HEMAT can be a strategic cooperation for the future in strengthening youths in the southern Sumatran region. It is also a part of organizing forces to serve the community.

The fourth session is the follow-up planning by Pdt. Eko Nugroho, S.Si. (teol) and Yohanes Dian Alpasa, S.Si. (theol). In this session, the participants were invited to redesign their upcoming meeting plans. The youth of North Bengkulu, Stube-HEMAT, and YABIMA Indonesia will meet again to deepen social issues that should be mutually discussed. (YDA).
