Looking at the Potency
of Northern Bengkulu
A workshop
program with the theme of “Youth and Village Economy” has been done at the end
of May 2018. Attending the workshop is the Stube board and executive director
of Stube HEMAT, Dr. Murti Lestari, M. Si., and Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd, S.S.,
M.Pd, and during the breaks of the program both of them takes time to have the
first experience of the potency that Stube HEMAT has in Northern Bengkulu.
Potency in the
field of livestock has been developed since April 2017, starting from a single
female cattle which is then successfully traded with two cattle of Balinese
race in November 2017. The goal of this cattle farm is to support the needs of
organic manure from animal waste. These cattle are expected to produce around
25 to 40 kg of waste every month. Because the majority of land surrounding
Margasakti village is used for palm oil plantation, then the demand of manure
is a very high. With the organic manure now available, it is expected that the
expenses for manure will be more efficient.

Bengkulu never experiences drought due to the rice fields in this region
receives irrigation water from Air Lais dam that could irrigate about 4000
hectares of rice fields. The water for irrigation flows through irrigation
channels that spread to six villages in Padang Jaya district, Northern Bengkulu.
In addition to irrigate the rice fields, water that flows from this dam is also
used to provide water to freshwater fishponds of the fish farmers. Although it
has been 36 years since the dam was officially opened by Adam Malik, Indonesian
Vice President of 1982, Air Lais dam structure is still well maintained.
Three places
went by, and the last one is a visit to Mujiono’s house, the person which all
this time became a driver that faithfully escorts and accompanies during the
visits, even to Manna City, Southern Bengkulu. Mujiono is a self-taught skilled
man which masters many skills in the field of agriculture, craftsmanship, and
fishery. Before returning to Bengkulu City, both of them takes a stop in the
house of Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplicator in Arga Makmur, around 17 km from
the Secretariat.
After seeing
the potency that exists, there is a hope that those above can be further
developed for youth and the surrounding community. Indeed, it is easier to be
said than done because doing something meaningful needs a great effort. (YDA).
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