Cultural Interaction
Bengkulu, Indonesia and The World
The blessing of bread for
the world is also felt by the youth of Bengkulu. The activists of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu were
invited to an international student meeting in Yogyakarta. Stube-HEMAT Indonesia
welcome a visit of
international youth studying
in Germany and they had one opportunity to experience training atmosphere in
Stube Indonesia. On this
occasion, Hosani Ramos Hutapea became a youth
from Stube
HEMAT Bengkulu.

The first day began and
Stube Indonesia's friends introduced themselves. They can use English and
Indonesian. Yohanes Dian Alpasa from Stube HEMAT Bengkulu Multiplication
program found a language gap. International student friends were flexible in English
and German. While Indonesian friends use Indonesian-style English with a very
typical local accent. From the many students participated, one third of them was still unable to speak English. This
gap must be reduced, said Yohanes, therefore Bengkulu should have an English
language training facility in the future. On that occasion, Yohanes also
conveyed the achievements that had been achieved by Bengkulu and several things
that still had to be fixed.
The second day was
used entirely by
international students. Hannah shared Nationalism and things related to the
dynamics of German history. Prapti Maharjan, a participant from Nepal, spoke
about the Indonesian palm oil industry which was claimed to be
"unsustainable" and there must be new varieties that can guarantee
the sustainability of Indonesian agriculture. Carlos from Cuba talked about
global communication and cultural adjustment, a competency that must be
possessed in global era. While Onno Hofmann spoke about interreligious
dialogue, an important factor to maintain mutual understanding towards a
peaceful life.
The second day in the
program went smoothly. Indonesian friends show hospitality in amid language
awkwardness. On the second day, it turned out that the International Student
friends tended to observe the situation first and then tried to build communication. Perhaps that
was the reason
why they seemd to be silent and observed the situation on the first day and then reactd on the second day.
For Bengkulu youth, it takes
efforts to reach language fluency. English is rarely used. Indonesian language
only applies to formal events. Moreover, even in the dialogue of government
agencies, we use local languages. To be able to interact with foreign world or
out of the region, we still need more efforts.
The values of each
country are certainly valuable and should be respected. Everyone should be
proud of the noble values giving prosperity to the community. Returning from Yogyakarta, fresh ideas come
to encourage young people to
learn their own culture
while to be able to understand the challenging world outside.
Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu
Multiplication Program is intended to assist youth recognizing potencies and
problems in Bengkulu. So far, the current program has involved church youth. In
2018, the program will involve many more young people and students. Hopefully
Bengkulu youth can feel the same blessings so that they can be leaders of their community. (YDA).
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