Imagination leads someone
from A to Z and organization takes us from one place to another, adds
relationship, establishes communication and even be able to realize the
imagination. This is what the writer felt in Multicultural and Interfaith
Dialogue training held by Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta with a theme "Connecting Soul, Celebrating Diversity" on
August 23-25, 2019. The training gathered young people from various regions in
Indonesia and even abroad (India and Timor Leste) to meet, to connect souls, and
to share ideas among differences.

Before leaving Bengkulu,
the writer implanted the principle to add knowledge and relationship. Various
seminars and even informal discussions about differences had been ever attended
by the writer, but there was so different when attending this Stube-HEMAT training,
even it is still remembered in memory until now. The egalitarian sense of
Stube-HEMAT work team was represented in this training and became a valuable base for the participants.
There was no differences in status so that each participant had the right to
receive the same service during the training, even they stayed and had meal
with the participants, this is so special.

In the beginning of the
training, the writer felt pessimistic to adapt to the differences, because
people usually tend to seek 'safe' position with people they had already known
or had connection with their previous activities. This time the writer chose to
merge with other participants, not even with Mutiara, one of the delegation
from Bengkulu from the same ethnic group. We were rarely interacting each other
during activities. Besides pessimist, the writer was also doubtful of being
able to gain new knowledge and experience due to English language barrier. From
the beginning of the introduction, English was used and it can be imagined how
the next agenda. Something occurred in mind why in the past people (read:
ancestors) had ambitions to reach heaven and build towers of Babel? As a
result, God disrupted their work and this became the origin of human languages.
Thankfully, the Stube-HEMAT team prepared a translator.

In the midst of limitation
and pessimism, the authors found the advantage to understand the material, how
the material was delivered twice, using English and Indonesian! Well, although
in English the writer only got a few words, but the Indonesian translation made
them clearer. As the result, the writer dared to ask about the introduction of
Stube-HEMAT and the Student Christian Movement of India (SCMI) even with
halting English.
Sharing activity in small
groups to discuss the diversity of each participant became a challenge when the
writer joined a group with Santhi and Rebecca, both from India. The writer
dared to talked with Rebecca, tried to keep asking because if Rebecca had a
chance to ask, the writer might not understand. The writer started to ask about
her origin, life in India, opinion about Indonesia and many things, even though
the writer's gave response only "yes, good, no, really and of
course". The writer also asked about Mahatma Gandhi to her and unexpectedly,
she left and returned with Rupee and showed a picture of Mahatma Gandhi and
gave it to the writer as a reminder.
In the second day, Wening
Fikriyati, from Srikandi Lintas Iman explained the material casually through a
simulation of diversity through simple matters. No less interesting was the
cultural parade that present participants' performances using their unique traditional
clothes. Indonesia indeed is so rich and blessed by the Almighty with
diversity. So it makes no sense if there are people who doubt and destroy
diversity, after 74 years of independence and hundreds of years the heroes
fighting for it.
On the third day, a
worship was held at GKJ Kemadang pepanthan Planjan. This church service was
interesting and special because it used three languages, namely Javanese,
Indonesian and English. This was an extraordinary worship experience and during
the trip to church I saw Mutia, a Moslem participant, held a Christian bible
without feeling awkwardly and she interacted with Rebecca. It was the first
time in the writer’s life directly see harmony, usually it is only through
social media.

Started from this
training, the writer thought of an idea to respond the differences, namely to
celebrate the differences themselves. The writer thinks that difference is
absolute, so should we continue to live in conflict and not be united? It is
not only present and the future need unity and collaboration. Indeed life
becomes valuable if harmony occurs, diversity is based on mutual acceptance
with appreciation. Not all differences can be uniformed and indeed can not be
in uniformity. Therefore, through differences every human being learn from one
to another. So, we must leave conflict and enemies in the name of differences
and build collaboration for the common good. From this training the writer has
idea of empowering youth church to be a 'role-model' of unity, and this must be
echoed and manifested. Hopefully, soon this can be realized starting from church.
Finally, the writer
acknowledged that the experience of three days of learning and dialogue about
diversity with Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, has succeeded in connecting souls and
feelings among differences from each participant to celebrate the differences.
Thank you Stube-HEMAT and happy celebrating the difference! (Yedija Manullang)
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