The youth of Margasakti
village VII seemed so enthusiatic to hear the visit planning of the Minister of
Environment Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, M.Sc, in upcoming June 2020. Then, they
held a meeting to prepare it. In the meeting on March 14, 2020 Eri Purnawan,
the secretary, opened it and agreed the topics to be discussed, while M.
Jauhari Fajri as youth companion explained the youth programs to be carried
out, such as social fundraising, ramadan social action, and preparation for the
visit of the Minister of Environment. The Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in
Bengkulu, Yohanes Dian Alpasa, as the host played role as ideas contributor,
motivator and driving figure for the group.

"Their ideas are
brilliant actually, but they should notice that they should not be easily down
when others are lethargic. The youth activities usually blaze at the beginning,
dim in the middle of the journey, then, fade away close the finish line. The
opportunity to get a minister's visit is a rare opportunity, because not many
villages can be visited by a minister. Therefore, the preparation must be done
carefully so that later in June bring good impression. The collaboration with
other stakeholders is really important,” said Yohanes Dian Alpasa. "The
youth members can also exhibit their works, such as ‘kentongan’ crafts or other
artworks, local culinary ‘tiwul’, ducks farming and reforestation program that
have been conducted in the last period," he added.

Obviously, this area is
very fertile with its potency of the flowing water which can be optimized for
the welfare of the local residents and surrounding areas.
The program of
Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu appreciates the preparation and be
ready to support the youth activities of village VII. Long live the youth, the driving
actors for the nation! #Stay safe in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic. (YDA)
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