April 2020 is a free time
for some students in Bengkulu. Working, studying, and worship are done from
home to prevent the spread of Corona virus. The government dispersed various
meetings and crowds and prohibited activities that involve many people. The
detection of one patient who died because of positive Covid-19 infection listed
Bengkulu to red zone.
In order to keep the
program running during pandemic without breaking health protocol of World Health
Organization, the multiplication program planned to make discussions by
following the protocols, starting from the location arrangement, the distance of
discussion’s participants, face masks, and hands wash. However, it could not be
carried out because of its risks, the authorities could come anytime and
students and youth have different spare time.
By observing various
references including how the government coordinates via teleconference, how
educational institution delivers learning via TVRI channel, students discuss
through Zoom apps, Stube coordination uses WhatsApp group, then the multiplicator
decides to discuss with students using digital platform. Some applications
require large memory and the operating system of some applications need large internet
network strength, then communication via application had several weaknesses.
After made discussion with some students, the multiplicator finally invites
them to build media for discussion that can be accessed with the cheapest data.
Four students were interested as contributors, Yedija Manullang, Linda
Titiwijayanti, Dahlia Sihotang, and Martha Sitohang.

The Multiplication
Program gave input and inspiration during this brainstorming period. The
writings will be appreciated so that the writing quality grow with enthusiasm
and excitement. Hopefully this platform can be better in the future. (YDA).
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