By: Yohanes Dian Alpasa
The national situation which was on alert for the Covid-19 pandemic made the visit plan of the Minister of the Environment to observe the preparation of waste bank initiated by youths in village VII of Margasakti and springs located in the edge of the village in June 2020 cancelled. This was confirmed by M. Jauhari Fajri, the Margasakti village official who was active to provide assistance for Karang Taruna village VII, Margasakti. There is a strong assumption that traveling to Bengkulu which belong to Covid-19 red zone was too risky. Considering the visit could be postponed, the ministry might reschedule the agenda of the visit to Bengkulu.
Public meetings were still prohibited so all socialization done through social media and digital. It made June looked vacant from any activities in Bengkulu. The multiplicator in Bengkulu held a meeting with maximum of 5 participants in one room to maintain communication and enthusiasm among them. For those who have cold and cough, it would be better for them to take a rest. In the morning many friends usually worked, growing vegetables in the afternoon, and in the evening they learned writing public journalism. The village youths practiced writing in order to publish bulletin. They learned once a weeks for two months a head with the multiplicator. It is hoped that there will be articles and publications for the residents of VII village in various age segments.
The multiplicator realized the diverse abilities of each participant. However, the results written are quite impressive. They were able to see the reality and respond it. The bulletin concept has been written and in the early of August will be published for the residents of village VII Margasakti. The Bengkulu Multiplicator felt grateful to study together with the youth of Margasakti village. It means that the journalistic skills that have been owned can be shared with youngsteers in Bengkulu. (YDA).
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