The socialization of New Normal and New Program of Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu

The activity of the Stube-HEMAT Multiplication Program in Bengkulu has been revived. On Saturday, July 4, 2020, the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu held a socialization of new program of Multiplication and New Normal during Covid-19 Pandemic. The church's youth, Jericho Ardani Ananta, hosted the discussion that attended by six young church youths.

Yohanes Dian Alpasa, as the speaker, delivered material on New Normal protocols and new programs that will be carried out by Bengkulu Multiplicators. The discussion material handout contained a brief view of program activities in the next 12 weeks. Two videos were viewed to complement the materials, namely a video produced by Office of Credit Union and Middle-Low Enterpreneurship from the Special Region of Yogyakarta and a video about simple hygiene protocols during the pandemic.

The learning processes and economic activities must be kept running to insure the life continue. Without these two activities, life seems lethargic and fainted. With a simple protocol, economic activities can run and guarantee the continuity of life. What protocols were socialized on this July 4th meeting?

First, the procedures of washing hands before and after doing something, after touching money or holding door handle and keys. Never touch face before washing hands. We have to wear a mask and head cover, consume nutritious foods, practice exercise, and have rest at home if feeling unwell.

We are grateful that the Regent of North Bengkulu allowed small-scale religious activities with a limited number of participants. Social activities can also be done. Therefore, the presence of a new Multiplication program is open to be followed and supported.

Each participant watched the first video about health protocol written by Yohanes Dian Alpasa. The second video was also on for them, then the following 15 minutes, Yohanes Praworo read the handout written by the Multiplicator for them and then they wrote down their opinion on the provided metaplan card.

What did they get? Hosea Vega Rian wrote, "We must follow the Covid-19 Prevention Regulations". Meanwhile, Friskila Damar Ratri wrote "We must not underestimate Covid-19, we must remain watchful to prevent it, always keep clean and wear mask and head cover or face shiled, stay away from the crowd and leave the house only for urgent reason". Then, Yusnita Novianti wrote, "Preventing Covid-19 by wearing mask, washing hands with soap, keeping the distance and the environment clean." Furthermore, Yusnita added, "New Normal does not mean we can do things freely as usual, but we must still implement health protocol." Amelia Dinda Cahyani wrote, "To prevent Covid-19 by obeying the regulations, namely washing hands, wearing mask when leaving the house, leaving the house for something urgent and maintaining cleanliness to avoid Covid 19, and keeping the distance." Yohanes Praworo wrote, "New Normal does not mean we can do activities freely outside, but we start activities based on the government's appeals. Stube informed New Normal activities through interactive way by making videos that can be accepted by all ages."

In the additional session, the Multiplicator explained the next three-month activities, covering multiculture and dialogue. So, the participants will meet many figures from different religions to reach the  goal of building tolerance and coexist harmoniously with different believers. Hopefully this program will run well and beneficial for students and youth. (YDA)
