Together with Air Lais Health Center, a Healthy Community

Discussion on Health (Multiplication Program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu)

In the program related to Health Challenges in Bengkulu, the Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu in collaboration with Margasakti village government and Tunas Harapan Youth Organization held a discussion entitled "The Importance of a Healthy Family Lifestyle". The material about the pandemic and the discipline of health protocols continued to be the subject of discussion considering the increasing trend of people exposed to Covid-19 in two weeks in Bengkulu.

Eka Purwati, a midwife at Air Lais Health Center, was the speaker of the youth discussion and Stube-HEMAT (31/03/2021). Her presence should be appreciated because, during this pandemic, all gatherings are limited to reduce the concentration of the crowd. Interestingly, the birth rate in Bengkulu is increasing. According to Eka, several mothers in the Padang Jaya district gave birth on the same day, so the service schedule was tight.

Twenty teenagers and youths, as well as 7 mothers from village VII, attended the meeting. The event was designed attractively by Karang Taruna Dusun VII, M. Jauhari Fajri. Discussions about the health of young people became the spotlight for the happiness of the family later. The topics discussed were Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), balanced nutrition, and stress among young people.

A clean and healthy lifestyle has become a familiar topic, but balanced nutrition needed to be the focus of discussion considering that Margasakti village needs to pay more attention due to stunting cases. According to Eka, stunting begins when young mothers experience pregnancy. Nutritional intake must be sufficient, emotion must be stable, the environmental conditions must be well-maintained. Stunting can also come from young mothers who are not yet pregnant but are required to have children. These young mothers are advised to take blood-added tablets (TTD). Young children are advised to take a blood boost tablet once a week.

The disturbances in the growth process of children or often called stunting are handled by fulfilling the requirements for improving nutrition in children. Young people who are about to get married are welcome to conduct pre-marital counseling with youth extension workers at the Air Lais health center. Infectious diseases can be avoided based on suggestions and advice from Puskesmas officers.

That night, the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu also opened opportunities for counseling services related to youth, psychology, and counseling related to youth health. However, this material is worth practicing and sharing.

“Health Challenges in Indonesia” is an important program, because many people only realize the importance of understanding health when they are ill. The Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu continues to move to enlighten young people.***
