By Yohanes Dian Alpasa
to the development of technology, especially Information Technology, the
Multiplication program of Stube HEMAT in Bengkulu campaigns a new program
‘Cyber World Challenges in Bengkulu’. The program is carried out with the
objectives, 1) Students and youth understand the changing lifestyle, culture,
and the need for cyber-based skills, 2) Students can develop themselves to face
the challenges of the cyber world, 3) Students understand their role as a link
chain for groups who are technologically illiterate so that there is no sharp
gaps between community groups regarding the cyber world.
To explore Bengkulu's potencies concerning the cyber world, the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu held socialization of the Cyber Challenge in Bengkulu program (30/04/2021). Socialization was held to map what opportunities can be worked on in the cyber world. The first potency of the cyber world in Bengkulu is that some people are familiar with social media and marketplaces. Some youths have become resellers of imported products, such as bags, shoes, and cosmetics. Adit, for example, one of the Stube participants, bought shoes from the cyber market because the price is cheaper and the goods can be delivered to his home. Meanwhile, another participant, Panji for example, said that spare parts for machines and some goods and equipment were not available in Bengkulu, so they had to be ordered and sent from outside, and they were available in the online market. Information of goods can be obtained by surfing the cyber world and the details of the components can be observed. Indeed, not all items are good, but most of the items ordered have met expectations. In the academic field, the students can buy books from online stores, although not many students have used them. Only a small number of people buy books and read scientific references from online journals published by study centers outside Bengkulu.
On the other hand, the use of cyber technology to market agricultural products is still unfamiliar among traders, producers of goods and services, farmers, and livestock raisers. Traders still rely on conventional marketing systems by meeting face-to-face with potential buyers. Most of the goods and agricultural products in circulation come from outside the Bengkulu area. The consumers in Bengkulu buy their food needs from local markets but electronic equipment, baby equipment, kitchen utensils, carpentry, mechanics are getting common to be purchased from the online market.
The initial discussion as an opening and igniting ideas in the Cyber World Challenge program will be continued with other activities to deepen understanding of the cyber world. The Multiplication program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu invites students and youth to join while still using health protocols. ***
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