Sharing Life & Spirit: Regeneration & Multiplication of Life Values

By: Made Nopen Supriadi, S.Th.          

I am Made Nopen Supriadi, S.Th, one of the facilitators of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, and in this discussion activity of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu (12/10/2021), the topic focused on the introduction of Stube-HEMAT by the Multiplicator of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu and follow-up up activities on Rural Sustainability. Sixteen students at Bengkulu Theological College (STTAB) attended it in the STTAB classroom, starting at 19:00-21:00 WIB.

In this activity, the participants enthusiastically participated in the discussion as the multiplicator and facilitator's touch the participants' emotions to open their minds. I found significant sense and focus in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity, namely Sharing Life and Spirit so that the ideas of the service will sustain and show a shared life.

Here is my basic thought about the realization of Sharing Life and Spirit in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu activity on October 12, 2021. First, it can be seen from one of the participants, named Ajupendi from Mentawai, who has a longing for the knowledge gained in Stube-HEMAT can be implemented in the context of his village. His idea and questions show his longing to share the ideas of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

Second, spirit sharing is done by multiplicators through a 6-minute video, which shows the Stube-HEMAT's global reach. The audio-visual explanation method about Stube-HEMAT is very effective in providing stimulation to STTAB students to understand the life and spirit of Stube-HEMAT so that Stube-HEMAT's constructive spirit in reaching human life is understood and passed on to the participants of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

Third, a Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu participant named Teguh Asa Zega build communication with multiplicators and facilitators how to realize the sharing of life and passion. This is one of the important aspects how to realize the sharing life and spirit between the multiplicators-facilitators and students. The sharing of life and enthusiasm to students and young people of the Stube-HEMAT group will revive, maintain and develop Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu.

In every activity of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu, the important focus that needs to be maintained is the regeneration and sharing of Stube-HEMAT's life and spirit about a precious life. It is reflected in Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu programs. The richness of ideas, passion, and life becomes an important part to be shared. Salute Stube-HEMAT! ***
