Sharpening Talents and Exploring Local Food Potency of Bengkulu

By Iman Kristina Halawa.          

Every human being has talents that can be developed by administering them seriously. Talent is owned by someone naturally and can be developed faster and better than others. This means that talent is an ability in one person from birth that can be used to learn something quickly and do well.

The thoughts above inspired the discussion on Talent Development: Every student has different talents, done by Multiplication of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu with students of Arastamar Bengkulu Theological College (STTAB) and Iman Kristina Halawa, M.Th., in charge as a resource person (Saturday, 28/1/2023). The discussion became a space of experiences sharing of three STTAB students who studied at Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta last December and preparation for Stube HEMAT Bengkulu this semester. Some of the results of observations and studies will be practiced in Bengkulu as a follow-up.

Regarding the term 'talent', the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) writes that talent is intelligence, an inborn trait. Education expert, Prof. Dr. R. Soegarda Poerbakawatja explained that talent is a seed that will be seen when the person gets an opportunity and the possibility to develop it (Soegarda, Encyclopedia of Education). So, it can be said that talent is the ability to do something that shows the average ability of a person scientifically and needs to be trained to achieve maximum results.

People's talents are different and the development of talent is influenced by various factors, such as 1) Genetic Elements, which are related to brain function. The left brain is associated with verbal, intellectual, orderly, and logical. While the right brain is related to spatial, nonverbal, aesthetic, artistic, and athletic. 2) Training Process. Talent is naturally owned but requires regular practice to develop it. 3) Body structure, affecting one's talent. An athletic body will find it easier to pursue athletic sports or activities that require body movement.

The discussion resumed a shared commitment, including 1) The community has a shared commitment to achieve community goals, a personal commitment to self-development, and a shared commitment to mutually support community members; 2) each person is committed to developing their talents, including STTAB students studied in Yogyakarta; 3) Every student has different talents, so find and hone their abilities; 4) Continue to develop existing talents optimally to get benefit from theirs.

Regarding the program of Stube-HEMAT Bengkulu on Local Food Initiatives, students are invited to identify local food in Bengkulu and promote existing biodiversity, and while honing their talents, students will explore biodiversity in Bengkulu, collect various local foods and process them into worth-selling products so that they become an alternative way to increase the economy through local food entrepreneurs.

There is a hope that all things that have been learned, and the talents that continue to be developed can benefit the students and the people around them. Then start with simple things, such as processing Bengkulu local food. Are we ready? ***
